Dave Evans
A dear, dear friend, loyal to the core and 100% clever dick! They say nobody likes a clever dick. Well, I liked this one immensely and I loved him as I do my own brother.
Hilarious, versatile entertainer who, despite his incredible talent, never made “The Big Time”, whilst others not fit to carry his props did so. Partially self-inflicted as he never came to terms with the “Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir” being a pre-requisite to ‘getting on’.
As an entertainer, he was a perfectionist, In TV studios he could be heard exchanging views, such as “I don’t give a flying f*** what shows you’ve produced, you’re clueless and talking out of your arse”. Not the response his paymasters had sought. Hence, no Big Time, no fortunes but justifiably held in high esteem by audiences and peers worldwide.
Numerous comedy/vocal impressions, rock 'n' roll at the piano Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, superb vocals Unchained Melody, Nessun Dorma etc. Jazz, Soul on saxophone, Louis Armstrong on trumpet, Phantom of the Opera on clarinet, great original patter and would you believe, tap dancing!
TV credits 'Who Do You Do', 'Tommy Cooper Hour', 'Live from Her Majesty's' plus his own fully-networked one-hour specials and numerous appearances on Australian TV shows.
Undoubtedly one of Britain's most talented, versatile entertainers, where standing ovations were commonplace.
I am still in contact Dave's family and I'm sure they will agree he was a caring, lovely family man, immensely talented and totally nuts! Nice nuts but definitely nuts!